Suite G Ramsay Place, 137 Flockton Street, Everton Park Q 4053 Ph: 1300 076 732
Suite G Ramsay Place, 137 Flockton Street, Everton Park Q 4053 Ph: 1300 076 732
Ph: 1300 076 732 Fax: 3036 6632
45 minute Comprehensive consult & may include a transvaginal ultrasound
medicare rebate $84.15
30 minute consult
medicare rebate $42.30
Colposcopy & Biopy - offered under local
Vulvoscopy, Vulval excision biopsies
Mirena Insertions - are now $150 plus item code 104/105
HyFoSy - $500 with medicare rebate 105 available
45 minute the first antenatal visit involves a comprehensive medical assessment and management plan for your pregnancy
the remainder of your antenatal visits will be bulk-billed
30 minute consult where you can have an ultrasound of your baby at extra cost, Ferinjects cost $100 as there is no medicare rebate
Initial visit, 16 weeks, 36 week visits
To discuss various topics like food safety, Breastfeeding, lactation support, birth and the 4th stage of labour.
Payable at 28 weeks of pregnancy
rebates are available and vary between health funds
Billed to health fund directly for those who are privately insured
Enquire about fees if you are not privately insured
Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, Hysterectomy, LLETZ, Myosure, Novasure, Excision of Endometriosis, Vaginal Prolapse Surgery
Gap payment only and major costs are billed to your health fund directly
Post-operative appointments occur at 1 and 6 weeks depending on the procedure